Year 6: Blog items

WW2 Digger Biscuits!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 4:55pm

In History we have been learning all about WW1 & 2. Recently, we learnt about rations and some different recipes they used. We decided to make some 'Digger biscuits'. The children were all fantastic helpers in our new food technology room and not only measured out all of the ingredients themselves but also cleaned up too! 

Outdoor maths!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 4:52pm

Here we decided to create symmetrical shapes using our P.E equipment outdoors and had lots of fun! 

WRM Y6 Homework Common Factors, by Mrs Nunwick

Date: 5th Oct 2020 @ 4:09pm

Watch this video then complete the acitvity sheet. Remember to watch the video, pause it and rewind as many times as you need.


Leavers hoodies- washing instructions, by Miss Isbister

Date: 21st Jul 2020 @ 8:19pm

20th July - final week!, by Miss Isbister

Date: 20th Jul 2020 @ 8:46am

Good morning Year 6!

Can you believe that it is your last ever week at MPJS?! It has been such a rollercoaster year and whether you are at home or school, it is a good time to reflect on all of the fun times from the past 4 years.

TASKS FOR THIS WEEK: finish off any work from your CGP books and make sure everything is marked. Then, create two mind maps- one filled with 'MPJS memories' and one filled with 'Things I am looking forward to at my new school.' Add pictures and colour. 

We will be doing a whole year group Google Hangout on WEDNESDAY at 2:30PM this week. Please join!

LEAVERS HOODIES have now arrived in school- pop in to collect your hoodie if you ordered one from Tuesday onwards this week. 

Any questions or queries, please comment below :)

We look forward to seeing you all on Google Hangout!

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer  :)

Year 6 - 13th July, by Mr Boyer

Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 3:05pm

13th July

Good morning Year 6! 

***Please log on to Google Classroom today (Monday 13th) just before 12pm to have a chat with Miss Isbister***

LEAVERS UPDATE: Hoodies will arrive in the last week. We will let you know when they can be collected. 

If you are at home, we have asked you to send in TWO PHOTOS: one of you in nursery/reception, and another of you now, holding up a piece of paper which clearly says what your dream job is. For example 'DOCTOR.' This is to add to a leavers video. If you have not yet sent these, please email them to Don't add them to Google Classroom because they may be missed. We are trying hard to make sure everybody is included, so it would really help if you did this straight away. 

Well done to the girls in 6B and in 6I who beat the boys in the battles last week. This week is a straight battle 6I v 6B!

This week, we would like you to:

1. Follow the table below for the pages we want you to do each day (please note the different books)

  English-Fiction  English- Non-Fict  English - Poetry  Maths- Arithmetic  Maths- Number  Maths - Geometry
Mon 6


  26-31   14-18  
Tues 7



32-37   27-29  
Weds 8  


There is extra science this

week - look below

Thurs 9         22-23
Fri 10 READ THEORY     24-27

Science (you choose which days you do these):

  Circulation         Light                    Electrical circuits   Evolution 
This week...     




Pg 13 - 18
    Pg 19 - 25

Times Table battles this week 6B boys v 6B girls and 6I boys v 6I girls. At the end of the week, we'll see who has won and then those groups will battle it out next week.

Please comment with anything else you are up to, any questions, or even just to say hello! 

Stay safe and enjoy the week! 

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer :) 

Year 6 - 6th July, by Mr Boyer

Date: 5th Jul 2020 @ 12:46pm

6th July

Good morning Year 6! 

***Please log on to Google Classroom today (Monday 6th) just before 1:40pm to have a chat with Miss Isbister, Mr Boyer and the children in school - both 6I and 6B children***

Thank you to those who have added your photos to the Classroom assignment - those who haven't, please do this as soon as possible.

This week, we would like you to:

1. Follow the table below for the pages we want you to do each day (please note the different books)

  English-Fiction  English- Non-Fict  English - Poetry  Maths- Arithmetic  Maths- Number  Maths - Geometry
Mon 6

Pg 32-38

Tues 7

Pg 39-41


Weds 8  

Pg 33-41

Thurs 9     Pg 21-25     14-16
Fri 10 READ THEORY   11-13  

Science (you choose which 2 days you do these):

  Circulation         Light                    Electrical circuits   Evolution 
This week...     


  Pg 1-4
        Pg 5-9

Times Table battles this week 6B boys v 6B girls and 6I boys v 6I girls. At the end of the week, we'll see who has won and then those groups will battle it out next week.

Please comment with anything else you are up to, any questions, or even just to say hello! 

Stay safe and enjoy the week! 

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer :) 

29th June- Year 6, by Miss Isbister

Date: 26th Jun 2020 @ 3:01pm

29th June

Good morning Year 6! 

***Please log on to Google Classroom today (Monday 29th) just before 1:30pm to have a chat with Miss Isbister - both 6I and 6B children***

Well done to everyone who had a go at the Come Dine with Me task- we were so impressed! We hope you enjoyed your task! 

This week, we would like you to:

1. Follow the table below for the pages we want you to do each day (please note the different books)

  English-Fiction  English- Non-Fict  English - Poetry  Maths- Arithmetic  Maths- Number  Maths - Geometry
mon 22   22-30   30-35 7-8 (do first)  
tues 23 22-26     38-41 21  
weds 24 27-30     42-44 26  
thurs 25     14-18 45-47 9-10  
fri 26 READ THEORY      1-5

Science (you choose which 2 days you do these):

  Circulation         Light                    Electrical circuits   Evolution 
This week...    20-22



2. Find a photo of you from (ideally) your first day of nursey or infant school and share it to us on the Google Classroom assignment (or email to the school office this is for our leavers video! If you can't find your first day, just choose a photo from around that time. 

3. Y3 v Y6 TT Battle- they want a re-match! 

Please comment with anything else you are up to, any questions, or even just to say hello! 

Stay safe and enjoy the week! 

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer :) 

Google Meet, by Mr Boyer

Date: 22nd Jun 2020 @ 4:56pm

So, I was sat waiting for everyone to join the Google Meet this afternoon and I noticed there weren't as many as I expected. Mr Ward joined me and told me there has been a problem - something has changed in Google's update which meant children were not allowed to access Google Meet through their log ins. Our technician has now changed these settings and they should be fixed soon, but it takes 24 hours. 

Myself and Miss Isbister are in school for the rest of the week so we'll try to figure something out between us about possibly doing another 'Meet' - we'll text parents if this is possible. Watch this space.

Mr Boyer

Y6 Home Learning - 22nd June, by Miss Isbister

Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 1:19pm

22nd June

Good morning Year 6! 

***Please log on to Google Classroom today (Monday) just before 1pm (6B) and 1:30pm (6I) to get the code/link for a Google Meet. We'll just be having a chat about this week's work and having a general catch up. Miss Isbister is in school this week so both hangouts will be with Mr Boyer***

A few 'well dones':

1. Well done to Taylor, Lucas, Milly and Noor for getting the Super Learners' certificates in Mrs Nunwick's Live Friday Assembly!

2. Well done to everyone who had a go at the Science Research Activity on Google Classroom

We hope you had a successful week last week with your new CGP books. The answers have now been posted on Google Classroom, so don't forget to mark your work!

This week, we would like you to:

1. Follow the table below for the pages we want you to do each day (please note the different books)

  English-Fiction  English- Non-Fict  English - Poetry  Maths- Arithmetic  Maths- Number  Maths - Geometry
mon 22   12-18   17-19    
tues 23   19-20   20-22    
weds 24 12-18       22-25  
thurs 25 19-20     23-27 5-6  
fri 26     8-13 30-34    

Science (you choose which 2 days you do these):

  Circulation         Light                    Electrical circuits   Evolution 
This week...    10-14



2. Complete the COME DINE WITH ME challenge on Google Classroom- your chance to get creative! 

3. Y3 v Y6 TT Battle- all week!

4. Do some sports for National School Sports Week- see Mr Tarry's blog post below this one to see more information.

Please comment with anything else you are up to, any questions, or even just to say hello! 

Stay safe and enjoy the week! 

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer :) 

National School Sports Week, by Mr Tarry

Date: 17th Jun 2020 @ 2:58pm

Next week is National Sports Week lead by Sky Sports and The Youth Sports Trust. Starting Saturday, you need to pick one of the daily exercise challenges from the booklet we will post on the Google Classrooms and post on the school year group pages. You can challenge your family as well! There is a daily record sheet for you to log your achievements and we would also love to see photos and videos of you and your families completing the challenges at home. At the end of the week, we'll collate all the photos and videos to make one big MPJS video.

Mr Tarry 


Year 6 work for those not yet returning, by Mr Boyer

Date: 13th Jun 2020 @ 3:16pm


Good morning Year 6! 

***Please log on to Google Classroom today (Monday) just before 1pm to get the code/link for a Google Meet. We'll just be having a chat about this week's work and having a general catch up.***

A few 'well dones':

1. Well done to Zoe, Mia H, Carl and William for getting the Super Learners' certificates in Mrs Nunwick's Live Friday Assembly!

2. Well done to everyone who had a go at the Spanish and Geography assignments

3. We didn't beat Year 5 in the Times Table Rockstars battle but we can try again this week - special mentions for our top scorers Austin, Zohah, Rayyan and Zaky.

You should have now collected new workbooks from school, there have been text messages about this. Please keep strictly to the pages that we are asking you to do (don't do extra). If you want more work please go to BBC Bitesize daily lessons. The reason for this is that if and when you do return, you will be at the same stage as the children who have been in school.

This week, we would like you to:

1. Follow the table below for the pages we want you to do (please note the different books)

  English-Fiction  English- Non-Fict  English - Poetry  Maths- Arithmetic  Maths- Number  Maths - Geometry
mon 15   2-7   1-3 x x
tues 16 2-7     4-7 & 19-20 x
weds 17     2-5 8-9 & 28-29 x x
thurs 18   8-11   10-14 x x
fri 19 8-11     15-16 x x


  Circulation         Light                    Electrical circuits   Evolution 
This week...    1-5      

2. Keep your eyes on Google Classroom for any tasks we set for the children in school, you can do these too!

3. Y5 v Y6 TT Battle- all week!

Please comment with anything else you are up to, any questions, or even just to say hello! 

Stay safe and enjoy the week! 

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer :) 

Online Learning How to Guide, by Miss McEvoy

Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 7:04pm

Here is a how to guide on accessing home learning, which will be starting on Monday.

The video shows you how to gain access to google classroom and google meet (hangouts). We give instructions for using a laptop or a phone/tablet.

If you follow this guide and still need some further support, Mr Tarry and Mr Ward are running a support session at the school office tomorrow (Friday 12th June) all day. Please bring along your devices or laptop and they can help you log on to make sure your child is ready for their lesson on Monday or Tuesday.
**Please note school wifi will not be available to use. If needing help with a laptop please bring a phone which can be used as wifi**

Just a reminder that these lessons are live and need to be accessed at the time your teacher had texted you. They cannot be seen later in the day.
Also we will only make the link/code visable just before the time. Each teacher will post an announcement with the link and code for the children to see. The week after it will be a different link/code so please always check back on the classroom before each online lesson.

We hope the video is useful 

Monday 8th June- Year 6, by Miss Isbister

Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 8:11am

Hello Year 6! 
We hope that you had a lovely half term holiday and are starting to get yourself ready for the new half term- whether that is at home or school.

We are looking forward to seeing you on Google Hangout tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon. Here are the times:Year 6 Tuesday Afternoon
12:30- Parks
1:15- Mandela
2:00- Hawking
2:45- Pankhurst

Have a look at the other blog post 'Google Hangout' for instructions on how to get on. We will be having a quick catch up and answering any back to school questions you may have before doing our Mosstermind quiz!

If you are coming back to school this week, we will not be setting you any more home learning. If you are NOT coming back to school, we will be setting you home learning later this week- please check back on the blog and Google Classroom. 

See you all on Google Hangout tomorrow! :)

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer 

Note- it you are unsure which team point group you are in, please comment below and we will let you know! 

Google Hangout, by Miss McEvoy

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 3:29pm

Hi everyone,

We are very excited to be introducing Google Hangout.

This will start on Monday and Tuesday for a catch up and our Mostermind quiz. Each teacher will do 4 google hangouts, one with each team point group. 

****Please note the link to be clicked for Google Hangout will only appear on the Hangout day, this is for safety reasons****

All you need to bring is some paper and a pen for the Mosstermind quiz.

The hangout times-

Year 3 Monday morning

9:30- Parks

10:15- Mandela

11:00- Hawking

11:45- Pankhurst


Year 4 Monday Afternoon

12:30- Parks

1:15- Mandela

2:00- Hawking

2:45- Pankhurst


Year 5 Tuesday morning

9:30- Parks

10:15- Mandela

11:00- Hawking

11:45- Pankhurst


Year 6 Tuesday Afternoon

12:30- Parks

1:15- Mandela

2:00- Hawking

2:45- Pankhurst

If you are unsure about which team point group you are in then you will find pictures on the google classroom to remind you.

There is a 'How to Guide' attached here for you to look at if you are unsure how to access Google Hangout.


Year 6 Holiday Homework: Mosstermind revision!, by Miss Isbister

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 6:19pm

Your homework for the next two weeks is to revise WW2 and the circulatory system ready for Mosstermind! Go on Google Classroom to see the links you can revise from. 

Good luck! 

Kahoot- the results! 15/05/20, by Miss Isbister

Date: 17th May 2020 @ 7:41pm

The results are in!

1st: Noah (lots of attempts- but well done for your determination!)

2nd: Noor (2nd attempt) 

3rd: William

Well done everybody! 

Monday 18th May 2020 Year 6, by Mr Boyer

Date: 16th May 2020 @ 4:58pm

Good morning Year 6! 

This week is the last week of this half term - we break up on Friday for our Whit half term for 2 weeks.

A few 'well dones' to start with:

1. Well done to Thomas, Oliver, Austin and Mia L for getting the Super Learners' certificates in Mrs Nunwick's Live Friday Assembly!

2. Well done to everyone who had a go at the Google Classroom assignment on the ancient olympics- some fantastic research and presentations. 

3. Well done to those who took part in the Times Tables Rockstars battle against Year 5 - we didn't quite win but there were some oustanding individual performances from Noor, Mia L, Thomas and Zohah.

This week, we would like you to:

1. Continue with your English and Maths books. Here are the page numbers for each day:

  English-CGP English- Stretch Maths- CGP Maths- Stretch
Mon 18 76-79 70-73 BBC Bitesize daily lesson 18th May
Tues 19 80-83 74-77 BBC Bitesize daily lesson 19th May
Weds 20 84-87 78-81 76-77 76-77
Thurs 21 88-91 82-85 78-79 78-79
Fri 22 92-95 86-89 My Maths

2. Complete the Spanish Google Classroom assignment - all about cognates - ie. words that are similar in both languages and instantly recognisable eg guitarra, educación physica etc. There are 2 videos to watch, a link to a Kahoot quiz and a challenge to find more cognates.

3. Complete the coding assignment - this is to design a game for The Battle of Marathon on Scratch.

Remember you can add a 'private comment' on Google Classroom if you have any questions. We will also write a comment here when we mark your work so remember to check back by the end of the week.

4. Boys v Girls TT Battle- all week

Please comment with anything else you are up to, any questions, or even just to say hello! 

Stay safe and enjoy the week! 

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer :) 


Date: 15th May 2020 @ 1:50pm

And the winning colour is... black! 

Important information on ordering your hoodie:

Year 6 Leavers' Hoodies: If you would like a hoodie, the cost is £8.00 - school are contributing the remaining cost. Hoodies come in sizes 9-11, 12-13 and Young Adult and can be selected on ParentPay. See below for an image of these sizes. The hoodies will have the MPJS logo on the front and the number 20 on the back with your names inside. 

Deadline for payment via ParentPay is 16th June 2020. Unfortunately, any orders received after this date will not be processed.


Kahoot- The Olympic Games, by Miss Isbister

Date: 12th May 2020 @ 5:42pm

Game pin: 02434778

You have until Friday at 3:00pm. If you want to have a second go, write your name and 'attempt 2.' 

Good luck!

Monday 11th May- Year 6, by Miss Isbister

Date: 10th May 2020 @ 5:50pm

Good morning Year 6! 

How are you all? We hope you have had a wonderful week! 

A few 'well dones' to start with:

1. Well done to Katy, Zohah, Maddie and Rhea for getting the Super Learners' certificates in Mrs Nunwick's Live Friday Assembly!

2. Well done to everyone who had a go at the Pobble 365 assignment. Mr Boyer and I LOVED looking at your interpretations! Have a look at the Facebook video!

3. Well done for your detailed work on adaptations. It is clear you are developing your ability to research and put information in your own words- this is super important! We hope you enjoyed learning about this topic.

This week, we would like you to:

1. Continue with your English and Maths books. Here are the page numbers for each day:

  English-CGP English- Stretch Maths- CGP Maths- Stretch
mon 11 56-59 56-59 56- 59 56- 59
tues 12 60-63 60-61 60-63 60-63
weds 13 64-67 62-63 64-67 64-67
thurs 14 68-71 64-65 68-71 68-71
fri 15 72-75 66-69 72-75 72-75

2. Complete the Ancient Greece Google Classroom assignment on the Olympic Games. Please turn your assignment in by Friday at 3:30pm and remember you can add a 'private comment' if you have any questions. We will also write a comment here when we mark your work so remember to check back by the end of the week- we may ask you a questions! 

3. Kahoot Quiz- Wednesday to Friday. This will be on the Olympic Games! I will post the code here on Weds AM.

4. Y5 v Y6 TT Battle- all week!

5. Finally, go on to Google Classroom to vote for the leavers' hoodies colour by Friday. Instructions are on the assignment!

Please comment with anything else you are up to, any questions, or even just to say hello! 

Stay safe and enjoy the week! 

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer :) 


Monday 4th May - Year 6, by Mr Boyer

Date: 3rd May 2020 @ 12:06pm

Hello Year 6! 

Here's an overview of this week's tasks. Take a look at the video for more details.

1. English and Maths workbooks (if your books say 'stretch' on the front, look at the stretch column)

  Eng- CGP Eng- Stretch Maths- CGP Maths-Stretch
Monday 4th 40-43 40-44 40-43 40-43
Tuesday 5th  44-47 45-47 44-47 44-47
Wednesday 6th  48-51 48-51 48-51 48-51
Thursday 7th 52-55 52-55 52-55 52-55
Friday 8th Bank holiday - VE day

2. Google Classroom- Adaptation (Science) task - turn in by Friday

3. Also on Google Classroom - Pobble 365 challenge. Go to top right, click on any day of the year and try to recreate that image (some are easier than others). We've put a blank doc on the classroom so that you can add your photos and 'Turn in' your creations. We hope to share the best ones on Facebook and also Tweet Pobble 365 your work.

4. MyMaths task and TT Battle (complete both by Monday)

5. VE day - please share with us what you get up to - could be artwork, social distancing street party, picnics, dressing up in red, white and blue - ask your parents to send them to us on Facebook or you could attache them to your Pobble doc.

Have a great week and comment below :)

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer

Kahoot- the results! 01/05/20, by Miss Isbister

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 3:07pm

And the Battle of Marathon Kahoot results are in.........

3rd- Allanah

2nd- Noah

1st- Katy

WELL DONE TO YOU ALL! Will 6B beat 6I to first place next week?! 

Kahoot- The Battle of Marathon, by Miss Isbister

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 8:39am

Code: 06333584

You have until Friday at 3pm to complete the challenge!

Monday 27th April- Year 6, by Miss Isbister

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 5:21pm

Hello Year 6! 

Here's an overview of this week's tasks. Take a look at the video for more details.

1. English and Maths workbooks (if your books say 'stretch' on the front, look at the stretch column)

  Eng- CGP Eng- Stretch Maths- CGP Maths-Stretch
mon 27 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23
tues 28 24-26 24-27 24-27 24-27
wed 29 27-31 28-31 28-31 28-31
thurs 30 32-35 32-35 32-35 32-35
fri 1 36-39 36-39 36-39 36-39

2. Kahoot- (Wednesday - Friday)

3. Google Classroom- Battle of Marathon task (turn in by Friday)

4. MyMaths task and TT Battle (complete both by Friday)

5. Anything else you are up to - exercising, baking, getting creative- please let us know!

Have a great week and comment below :)

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer