What People say about us

We survey our Parents and Carers every other year and we consider all feedback when making our future plans. We were thrilled with our latest 'post-amalgamation' survey (July 2024). Please take a look at the results and comments in the attached file.
Pupils - This time round (July 2024) we focused on behaviour, safety and relationships. All pupils in year 2 to Year 6 completed this and we used the questions where some pupils answered 'don't know' to inform our school improvement priorities in 'Behaviour' and 'Personal Development'.
Open Week Spring February and March 2024 - Maths Focus
This is the twice yearly opportunity for parents to work along side their children in class, learn a bit more about how they are taught and how we deliver and adapt the curriculum for all children. We've selected a sample of quotes that reflect the maths lesson feedback and a few that answered the question, "Any other comments or questions about school since we amalgamated?"
Year 5 & 6
"Great teaching and clear explanations."
"Work at the right level - challenging with cleear expectations of how to calculate and which method to use."
"Excellent behaviour. Mrs T had the class in full control. There was lots of praise and children were enjoying the maths lesson."
"Atmosphere very calm. High expectations and a calm teaching style."
"Mr C was fantastic with the children and gave regular praise and the children listened to him throughout."
Year 3 & 4
"The maths was challenging for [my son] but once he'd practised he was very confident doing perimeter. Miss W ensured the children were listening and quiet when she was talking."
"It was amazing. All children were excellent in their behaviour. The work was not to hard, a good match for my child."
"Children were rewarded with supportive cheers when doing problem solving at the front of the class. The work was just right."
"Lovely lesson. Mr C is always engaging and has a very good relationship with the children."
"Challenging to make them think, but the tools to find the answers."
Any questions/comments about our amalgamation?
"All positive."
"The amalgamation seems to have gone really well!"
"I don't think there is a difference. Children are going into school with the same enthusiasm."
"My boys love seeing each other during the day through mixed assemblies, playground monitors etc. (Reception, Y4 and Y6)"
"Fantastic experience as I have children in both infants and juniors and the process is great. Mrs N is a fantastic head."
"I've been impressed."
"School feels much more unified and going from strength to strength."
Feedback from MPJS Parent and Carers Questionnaire Summer 2021
Thank you all who took the time to fill out this questionnaire - it’s very useful to help us grow as a school. I’ve summarised our strengths and ‘even better if’ below and any actions we are taking as a result of your feedback.. We will send out the same questionnaire to Year 3 parents and carers in July.
What we like about MPPS
Communication with Parents x 5
Strong leadership of the school/the Headteacher, especially in challenging times X 5
Friendly and supportive atmosphere of the MPPS Community/One big family x 6
Encouraging the children to do well, my child’s progress and feel happy at school
MPPS has everything really,what's not to like?
Good values x 3
“How it’s run. I know my child is a priority every single time”
Friendly, approachable, open and down to earth headteacher and staff x 15
Informative and includes parents in matters x 2
Highly committed teachers x 2 “Go the extra mile”
“Very supportive with any concerns I have had”
“You have been amazing through the pandemic, keeping the parents and children informed”
After school clubs are amazing and let you try new things x 6
Wide range of things my child is learning x 2
High standards of learning and behaviour & Teaching methods
Cater for all abilities when it comes to learning. You help children who are struggling
“My child is challenged and staff are lovely”
Learning environment and good facilities x 3 Food Tech Room/cooking x 3 Sports activities x 3 Activities and trips x 3
Provided chromebooks when needed
MPPS are always there even out of school hours
Everything x 5
What could be even better?
More group activities
Covid rules have made mixing difficult but we are working all the time to do team and group activities and mix children up - this will get more frequent as the weather improves - watch this space!
More access to higher level reading books in lower school
Already purchased the top ends of the book band scheme and have added dots for ‘early library’ so pupils can go to the library and choose free readers
More community/fundraising/stalls run by children
Great ideas and we will also bring back summer fair and fiver challenge stalls led by pupils. We already have a plan for a pupil-led spring fundraising activity
Communication - sharing learning & medical needs (to after school staff etc.)
Agreed - this also applies to sharing information with lunch supervisors too
Too many different types of communication x 2
We have made some progress in this area and this will be even better now we have a full office team. We want to use the website (’School Spider’) for most methods of communication. We need to keep Parentpay as that links to lunches etc for payments so there will be a crossover.. Please make sure we have all your details. Facebook is now mainly used for our assemblies with the odd sharing of photos/videos. We will completely stop using teachers2parents by 11/2/22. We DO need every parent and carer to sign up to School Spider - please ask at the office if you have any problems with this.
Direct messages for email as not always possible to speak to teachers after school
I don’t support direct communication between teachers and parents. There are two issues - my responsibility to provide a work/life balance for teachers outside of working hours and also sometimes email exchanges are not the most helpful in resolving difficulties! If you contact the office they will always pass the message - you don’t have to give details - and they will phone you or arrange a meeting at their next free time. My staff are in early, they stay in school until it shuts most nights so there is lots of flexibility there. If it is urgent you can email me directly on iadmin@mossparkprimary.co.uk and I will acknowledge your concern and act as a go-between.
Maintain all the values and standards for years to come
We are always striving to improve and we aim to serve our MPPS families for many years to come!
Sports equipment to be used at lunchtimes
Sports Leaders now in place and more lunchtime staff to support games at lunch - we have bought lots more equipment purely for breaks.
Students challenged more academically/Some maths lessons are boring
Pupils do have challenges within the subjects - the work is often on 3 levels - but there is always room for improvement. We have just introduced some different higher order maths problem solving challenges. Also in maths we have started to use a programme called ‘Active Maths’ to mix up with our White Rose Scheme.
Better and more varied lunch selection and portions x 3
We have had a few issues with school lunches alongside the Infant school as staff and menus have changed. The School Council have worked with their classes to produce a list of likes/dislikes and I have shared them with the cook (and burgers are coming back!)
More varieties of clubs and activities, More trips, more own clothes days, more cooking x 4
Things will move forward here as we come out of covid regulations - so many places are still not taking school parties.
Seating at lunch
We can’t change anything here at the moment as we still have 4 x classes seated away from each other on 16 tables at a time in our covid risk assessment - will be able to look at this in the summer.
More progress updates/How to help your child at home x 2
We have had face to face Parents Evening with the Assessment Summaries since these questionnaires so I hope that you have found the conversations and reports helpful. I agree we could do more booklets/videos and workshops. This is a priority for the year. Also, we want to restore our 3 Open Weeks (where you come in and work with your child in lessons) as soon as we are allowed.
Lunchtime staff being more aware when children are upset
We had a lot of retirements and promotions in the last 6 months so we have had to appoint new staff who are making a positive impact on the children’s wellbeing. We also now have two Teaching Assistants in Y3/4 (Miss Hamand and Miss Brown) who lead play and activities and know the children really well.
Nothing x 10
“I honestly don’t know what you could do better because you all do such an amazing job! I can see that not just through my child but all the children at MPPS, Thanks so much!!"
Pupil Questionnaire July 2021 (pre amalgamation with Moss Park Infant School in April 2023)
Yes |
No |
Don’t Know |
1. |
Do you like being at Moss Park Junior School? |
98% |
1% |
1% |
2. |
Do you feel safe when you are in school? |
98% |
1% |
2% |
3. |
Do you learn how to do something new every day? |
93% |
4% |
3% |
4. |
Are you expected to work hard? |
93% |
2% |
5% |
5. |
Are your lessons interesting and enjoyable? |
94% |
1% |
5% |
6. |
Do you get help if you need it in lessons? |
95% |
2% |
3% |
7. |
Do you think you are making good progress in your learning? |
93% |
2% |
5% |
8. |
Does marking tell you how to make your work better? |
90% |
5% |
5% |
9. |
Do you know what you need to do to get better at in writing? |
81% |
7% |
12% |
10. |
Do you know what you need to do to get better at in maths? |
82% |
4% |
14% |
11. |
Do you get to do challenges in your lessons? |
93% |
2% |
5% |
12. |
Do you and your friends usually behave well in school? |
93% |
2% |
5% |
13. |
Are most children kind to each other in this school? |
93% |
2% |
5% |
14. |
Do you enjoy being in the playground/on the grass? |
96% |
2% |
2% |
15. |
Are you being bullied in school? (“Several Times On Purpose”) |
3% |
94% |
3% |
16. |
Does homework help you with your learning? |
5% |
90% |
5% |
17. |
Is there a member of staff you would go to if you were worried at school? |
94% |
1% |
5% |
18. |
Do we listen to pupils’ ideas/views at this school? |
93% |
2% |
5% |
19. |
Do you trust the Headteacher to sort out problems? |
97% |
1% |
2% |
20. |
Would you recommend Moss Park Junior to a friend? |
96% |
1% |