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Year 1 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year 1

In Year 1 we have two class teachers - Miss Warden (1W) and Mrs Gilmour (1G) 

We have two Teaching Assistants - Mrs Borland, Miss Wardrop. They work across the year group to support the childen and teachers.


 We will use the News tab to send you our class news updates, to add letters and curriculum information, and will will regularly add photos so you know what your child has been learning. 

For Autumn 2, we will upload our Curriculum Information sheet alongside your History and Science knowledge mats below. Discover our curriclum here 

Our Science topic is - Animals including Humans

Our History topic is - My Family History


P.E is on Tuesday and Thursday 

Homework is sent out every Friday and is to be returned by the following Wednesday.

Reading - Reading books and reading records are to be brought to school everyday. We encourage all children to read daily at home. 


Please keep checking this page for news and updates and we look forward to seeing you at our parent events this year.




Useful links for at home.


Hit the button:

Reading and Phonics: 



Files to Download