Lunch Menus and Packed Lunch Information

We love our school lunches at Moss Park and we work closely with the School Cook to make sure that all the meals on the menu are popular pupil choices. Our Autumn Menu can be seen here.
Please ask at the school office if your child would like to try school lunches. School Lunches are currently £2.55 per meal and payments are made through your ParentPay account. We can cater for all sorts of dietary requirements.
You can check your eligibility, and apply for Free School Meals here: https://www.trafford.gov.uk/residents/schools/trafford-catering/free-school-meals.aspx
Even if your child prefers packed lunches, we ask that all parents and carers who think they might qualify complete the form. We get an extra £1,455 for each pupil who is eligible for free school meals and this funds many excellent resources and activities for the children.