Governing Body
A welcome message from the Chair of Governors, Mr Allan Humphris
I am pleased to be able to write a few words about our fantastic school and how we plan for the future.
On behalf of the Governing Body I can say with confidence that behind all of our activities is a conviction that we keep the needs of our children and their safety and welfare at the forefront of all our actions. I also feel that the Governor team is well placed to provide the support the school needs both from our experience in business, public service and education as well as from the training we receive regarding our role.
It is very gratifying to start this academic year from a stable base but we are not complacent and there are further plans to ensure that the school continues to develop and move forward. These include the continual development of staff at all levels both in terms of teaching methods and subject knowledge. We also aim to make improvements in subject matter in core subjects but also in areas such as PSHE and importantly mental health with all the pressures that our children face these days. As well as this we aim to ensure that our curriculum continues to broaden and that children are fully aware of wider global issues such as community responsibility, environmental concerns and cultural awareness.
If you want to know more aboout Moss Park Primary School you can visit other areas on the website, follow our activities on twitter or take advantage of our Open Weeks and Headteacher Coffee Mornings. And if you have any comments or suggestions, these are always most welcome. You can contact me via the school office email: admin@mossparkprimary.co.uk
What does the Governing Body do?
We do not have a direct responsibility for the running of the school on a day-to-day basis. That rests with Mrs. Nunwick and the rest of the staff. Rather, Governors are expected to take a more strategic view of the school which can be summed up in three areas of responsibility:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. To achieve this Governors have regular dialogue with Mrs. Nunwick about her annual Strategic Improvement Plan, making sure that it will deliver the outcomes for pupils we want to achieve whilst holding to our motto Learn ,Respect, Achieve . In order to keep the process under constant review we hold termly Governing Body meetings. Additionally we also hold Curriculum ,Standards and Welfare meetings (CSW) and Resources and Premises meetings (RAP) which drill down into more detail and report back to the Governing Board.
- Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff. This responsibility clearly illustrates who is responsible for the school, that is the Head and her staff, but at the same time gives the Governing Body its authority. Having said that, all stakeholders should realise that the relationship between the Head, Staff and Governors is a close one and is seen by all concerned to be one of partnership and joint ownership of the objectives of the school and the welfare and safety of the children.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent. This responsibility is carried out by the Governing Board through the Resources and Premises Committee. The financial budget for the school is set on an annual basis though forecasts are actually made for the next three years to ensure that sustainable plans are put in place. In order to arrive at a budget, line by line detail of all expenditure is gone through, and regular updates are provided to ensure that our plans are on track.
We have two main committees at Moss Park Primary School:
Resources and Premises (RAP), in which staffing, resources, finance, health, safety and building matters are discussed;
Curriculum, Standards and Pupil Welfare (CSW), in which the curriculum, pupils’ achievements and behaviour & safeguarding issues are discussed.
We also have a:
Headteacher Performance Management Committee
Pupil Discipline Committee
Pay Committee (within the RAP remit)
Complaints/Appeals Committee
Our Chair of Governors is Allan Humphris and you can contact him via the School Office on 0161 864 1710 or admin@mossparkprimary.co.uk
Name of Governor | Type of Governor | Term of Office | Governing Body Role & Responsibilities | Business and Pecuniary Interests; Material Relationships to School | Other GB Memberships |
Allan Humphris | Co-opted | 02/12/2021 – 01/12/2025 | Chair of Governors Chair of RAP Committee CSW Committee Health and Safety Safeguarding Pay Review Committee | None | None |
Natalie Knight | Co-opted | 17/04/2023 - 16/03/2026 | Vice Chair of Governors RAP Committee Year 2 Link Governor Pay Review Committee | Parent | None |
Carys Williams | Local Authority | 12/12/22 - 11/12/2026 | RAP Committee Pupil Premium | None | None |
Vacancy | Co-opted | - | - | - | - |
Suzanne Hilton | Staff | 10/12/2024 - 09/12/2028 | CSW Committee Year 1 Link Governor SEND Governor | Teaching Assistants | None |
Jake Moore | Co-opted | 17/04/2023 - 16/09/2026 | CSW Committee Year 5 Link Governor | Site Manager | None |
Sara Aljaizani | Parent | 16/12/2021 to 15/12/2025 | Vice Chair RAP Committee Reading/English Year 3 Link Governor Resources and Premises Committee | Parent | None |
Sally Nunwick | Headteacher | N/A | N/A | Staff | None |
Oz Khan | Co-opted | 26/09/2022 - 25/09/2026 | Chair of CSW Committee Wellbeing Link Governor Year 6 Link Governor | Parent | None |
Adeel Khan | Co-opted | 17/07/2023 - 16/07/2027 | CSW Committee Nursery & Reception link Governor | None | None |
Asif Patel | Co-opted | 17/09/2023 - 16/09/2027 | Resources and Premises Committee E-Safety Year 4 Link Governor Pay Review Committee | None | None |
Rachel Chard | Parent | 11/03/2024 - 10/03/2028 | CSW Committee Maths link governor | Parent | None |
* CSW = Curriculum, Standards and Pupil Welfare committee RAP = Resources and Premises committee