How to help your child at home

Each September, we give you a copy of the year group 'passport', that details the key learning in reading, writing and maths. We give your child a 'boarding card' to detail the books we will read and the experiences we are offering on our learning journey. We follow this up with our Welcome Meetings in early September, where we show you what homework will look like in your child's year group. You will be told in each meeting that the most important activity pupils should o to increase their learning power is to "Read, Read, Read". We really encourage home reading and our reading records are well used!
We also send out the Curriculum Information Sheet each half term that shares the topics and learning taking place across the curriculum.
At Moss Park we give out a range of homework activities that varies between games to do at home, practical or creative activities, paper based learning extensions and apps on digital devices.
We use Google Classroom in lessons and in Key Stage 2 homework. The pupils love using Google Classroom in school and at home and their use of the latest technology will give them a big advantage in their future learning and employment. You don't need a chrome book like we use in school - you can access Google Classroom on laptop, tablets i-pads and smart phones.
Problems logging on? Just contact the office for log-ins and passwords etc. and if you still have trouble, pop in with your device and one of our teachers will solve your problem!
You can find a wealth of year group specific learning in all subjects on the BBC Bitesize website that will link directly to what your child is learning in all subjects. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize?scrlybrkr=bf89eb19
BBC Bitesize even has an early Years resource bank here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zt6svwx
We also use TT Rock Stars and My Maths. We encourage pupils to read a wide variety of material using Epic. Pupils practise spelling on Spag.com