Reception 2024 - 2025
Welcome to our class page!
In Reception we have two classes - RB and RS.
The class teacher in RB is Miss Bull and the teaching assistant is Mrs O'Rourke.
The class teacher in RS is Miss Smith and the teaching assistant is Mrs Rafiq.
We will use the News tab to send you our class news updates, add letters and curriculum information, and will add photos so you know what your child has been learning.
Our PE day this half term is: Thursdays.
Our Spring 2 topic is: Life in Hot Places
Reading - Reading books and reading records are to be brought to school everyday and will be changed every Thursday. We encourage all children to read daily at home.
Please keep checking this page for news and updates and we look forward to seeing you at our parent events this year.
We hope you enjoy having a look around!
Miss Smith and Miss Bull
Reading Corner
RS and RB will be enjoying The Elephant's Umbrella by Laleh Jaffari and Chimpanzees (Non-Fiction) this half term.
Files to Download
Reception: News items
World Book Day - EYFS and KS1 Staff outfits!, by Mrs Clifford
Reception Curriculum Information Sheet, by Mrs Clifford
Reception Spring 1 Information, by Mrs Clifford