Year 5 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 5
In Year 5, we have two class teachers - Mr Carter (5C) and Miss Robinson (5R).
We have two teaching assistants - Mrs Singh and Mrs Khan. They work across the year group to support the children and teachers.
We are outside at the end of every day to speak to you and you can leave messages with the teaching assistant on junior morning gate duty or via the office.
We will use the News tab to send you our class news updates, add letters and curriculum information, and will regularly add photos so you know what your child has been learning. Discover our curriculum here.
Here are some key information for you to be aware of for the start of the year:
PE will be on Monday and Friday
Homework and Spellings will be given to your child each Friday starting on 13th September 2024
Reading - Reading books and reading records should be brought into school daily. We encourage all children to read at home to an adult at least 3 times per week. Make sure you fill in your child's reading record regularly.
Please keep checking this page for news and updates and we look forward to seeing you at our parent events this year.
Files to Download
Year 5: News items
World Book Day KS2 Staff Outfits, by Mrs Clifford
Year 5 Curriculum Information Sheet and Knowledge Mats, by Mrs Clifford
Year 5 Spring 1 Curriculum Information and Knowledge mats, by Mrs Clifford