SMSC, British Values & our Assembly Programme
Our Vision
At Moss Park, the development of pupils’ Social, Moral, Spiritual, and Cultural (SMSC) education is a whole-school priority, reflecting our commitment to our motto: "Achieving Excellence Together." These values permeate every aspect of school life, fostering an inclusive and respectful community where pupils thrive.
Our school values—Teamwork, Friendship, Perseverance, and Respect—were chosen by our pupils and are at the heart of everything we do. Pupils demonstrating these values are recognised and rewarded, with opportunities such as team points, texts and postcards home, Celebration Assemblies and 'Hot Chocolate Friday' with the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher.
Through our curriculum, teaching, and enrichment activities, we aim to nurture pupils' spiritual awareness, moral understanding, social skills, and cultural appreciation.
Our assembly programme is particularly special to us as it give us an annual framework of events and themes by which to anchor our pupils' SMSC development. It is also where we introduce the whole school music for the half term, linking to our Music curriculum and developing our listening and appraising skills.
SMSC development at Moss Park is embedded in all aspects of school life, including:
Curriculum and Teaching: SMSC values are integrated into lessons across the curriculum, creating opportunities for reflection, discussion, and growth. We work hard to promote an understanding of moral values that underpin positive relationships and good decision-making
School Routines: Pupils learn the importance of respect, teamwork, and perseverance through everyday interactions and activities, reinforced by our reward systems and events like Hot Chocolate Friday, team competition and sporting events
Cultural Experiences: Pupils explore their own culture and learn about the diversity of cultures in our community, country, and world through event days, trips, visits and visitors such as concerts, plays, theatre trips and workshops
Here's How We Promote British Values at Moss Park
At Moss Park Primary School, promoting British Values is at the heart of our curriculum and ethos. We strive to ensure that children understand and embrace the values that underpin life in modern Britain, which include:
Individual Liberty
Rule of Law
Mutual Respect and Tolerance
These values are explicitly taught through subjects such as Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE), History and R.E. Assemblies, special days and focused half-term activities also reinforce these values, ensuring they are embedded into the life of the school.
In 2024, we wrote a new School Prayer (or mantra), which is used regularly in classes and assemblies.

At Moss Park, children learn that their voices matter. From voting for classroom monitors and school council representatives to choosing our school values and motto, pupils are regularly involved in the democratic process. The school council plays an active role, with pupils participating in committee meetings to make decisions that impact school life. In lessons, children explore historical and current events that demonstrate democracy in action, comparing it with other political systems around the world. Through these activities, pupils develop an appreciation for the fair and just society they are part of and their role within it.
Individual Liberty
We teach pupils about the freedoms they enjoy living in a democratic society, including freedom of speech, choice, and belief, while emphasizing the importance of respect and responsibility. Older children explore historical case studies where individual liberty was restricted, comparing the past with the freedoms we have today. Pupils are encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas respectfully and to make independent, informed decisions about their learning and behaviour.
Rule of Law
Understanding the rule of law is an essential part of life at Moss Park. Pupils learn how laws protect individuals and communities and how they differ across countries. This understanding is reinforced through everyday routines, such as adhering to class charters and school rules, which help pupils connect their actions to broader societal expectations. We enrich this learning by welcoming visitors from the local community, such as police officers, who explain their roles in upholding the law. Our Year 6 pupils enter the GM Magistrates Mock Trial competition every year - 3 times winners!
Mutual Respect and Tolerance
Respect and tolerance are central to our school values of Teamwork, Friendship, Perseverance, and Respect. We celebrate the diverse cultural and religious backgrounds of our school family and recognize that this diversity enriches our community.
Our curriculum and assemblies include events and discussions around religious festivals such as Eid, Diwali, and Christmas, as well as cultural and secular traditions. We invite parents, staff, and external visitors to share their experiences, enhancing pupils' understanding of different perspectives. Through these opportunities, children learn to value what unites us while respecting what makes us unique.