20th July - final week!

Date: 20th Jul 2020 @ 8:46am

Good morning Year 6!

Can you believe that it is your last ever week at MPJS?! It has been such a rollercoaster year and whether you are at home or school, it is a good time to reflect on all of the fun times from the past 4 years.

TASKS FOR THIS WEEK: finish off any work from your CGP books and make sure everything is marked. Then, create two mind maps- one filled with 'MPJS memories' and one filled with 'Things I am looking forward to at my new school.' Add pictures and colour. 

We will be doing a whole year group Google Hangout on WEDNESDAY at 2:30PM this week. Please join!

LEAVERS HOODIES have now arrived in school- pop in to collect your hoodie if you ordered one from Tuesday onwards this week. 

Any questions or queries, please comment below :)

We look forward to seeing you all on Google Hangout!

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer  :)