Monday 27th April- Year 6

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 5:21pm

Hello Year 6! 

Here's an overview of this week's tasks. Take a look at the video for more details.

1. English and Maths workbooks (if your books say 'stretch' on the front, look at the stretch column)

  Eng- CGP Eng- Stretch Maths- CGP Maths-Stretch
mon 27 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23
tues 28 24-26 24-27 24-27 24-27
wed 29 27-31 28-31 28-31 28-31
thurs 30 32-35 32-35 32-35 32-35
fri 1 36-39 36-39 36-39 36-39

2. Kahoot- (Wednesday - Friday)

3. Google Classroom- Battle of Marathon task (turn in by Friday)

4. MyMaths task and TT Battle (complete both by Friday)

5. Anything else you are up to - exercising, baking, getting creative- please let us know!

Have a great week and comment below :)

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer