Monday 11th May- Year 6

Date: 10th May 2020 @ 5:50pm

Good morning Year 6! 

How are you all? We hope you have had a wonderful week! 

A few 'well dones' to start with:

1. Well done to Katy, Zohah, Maddie and Rhea for getting the Super Learners' certificates in Mrs Nunwick's Live Friday Assembly!

2. Well done to everyone who had a go at the Pobble 365 assignment. Mr Boyer and I LOVED looking at your interpretations! Have a look at the Facebook video!

3. Well done for your detailed work on adaptations. It is clear you are developing your ability to research and put information in your own words- this is super important! We hope you enjoyed learning about this topic.

This week, we would like you to:

1. Continue with your English and Maths books. Here are the page numbers for each day:

  English-CGP English- Stretch Maths- CGP Maths- Stretch
mon 11 56-59 56-59 56- 59 56- 59
tues 12 60-63 60-61 60-63 60-63
weds 13 64-67 62-63 64-67 64-67
thurs 14 68-71 64-65 68-71 68-71
fri 15 72-75 66-69 72-75 72-75

2. Complete the Ancient Greece Google Classroom assignment on the Olympic Games. Please turn your assignment in by Friday at 3:30pm and remember you can add a 'private comment' if you have any questions. We will also write a comment here when we mark your work so remember to check back by the end of the week- we may ask you a questions! 

3. Kahoot Quiz- Wednesday to Friday. This will be on the Olympic Games! I will post the code here on Weds AM.

4. Y5 v Y6 TT Battle- all week!

5. Finally, go on to Google Classroom to vote for the leavers' hoodies colour by Friday. Instructions are on the assignment!

Please comment with anything else you are up to, any questions, or even just to say hello! 

Stay safe and enjoy the week! 

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer :)