Y6 Home Learning - 22nd June

Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 1:19pm

22nd June

Good morning Year 6! 

***Please log on to Google Classroom today (Monday) just before 1pm (6B) and 1:30pm (6I) to get the code/link for a Google Meet. We'll just be having a chat about this week's work and having a general catch up. Miss Isbister is in school this week so both hangouts will be with Mr Boyer***

A few 'well dones':

1. Well done to Taylor, Lucas, Milly and Noor for getting the Super Learners' certificates in Mrs Nunwick's Live Friday Assembly!

2. Well done to everyone who had a go at the Science Research Activity on Google Classroom

We hope you had a successful week last week with your new CGP books. The answers have now been posted on Google Classroom, so don't forget to mark your work!

This week, we would like you to:

1. Follow the table below for the pages we want you to do each day (please note the different books)

  English-Fiction  English- Non-Fict  English - Poetry  Maths- Arithmetic  Maths- Number  Maths - Geometry
mon 22   12-18   17-19    
tues 23   19-20   20-22    
weds 24 12-18       22-25  
thurs 25 19-20     23-27 5-6  
fri 26     8-13 30-34    

Science (you choose which 2 days you do these):

  Circulation         Light                    Electrical circuits   Evolution 
This week...    10-14



2. Complete the COME DINE WITH ME challenge on Google Classroom- your chance to get creative! 

3. Y3 v Y6 TT Battle- all week!

4. Do some sports for National School Sports Week- see Mr Tarry's blog post below this one to see more information.

Please comment with anything else you are up to, any questions, or even just to say hello! 

Stay safe and enjoy the week! 

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer :)