Monday 8th June- Year 6

Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 8:11am

Hello Year 6! 
We hope that you had a lovely half term holiday and are starting to get yourself ready for the new half term- whether that is at home or school.

We are looking forward to seeing you on Google Hangout tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon. Here are the times:Year 6 Tuesday Afternoon
12:30- Parks
1:15- Mandela
2:00- Hawking
2:45- Pankhurst

Have a look at the other blog post 'Google Hangout' for instructions on how to get on. We will be having a quick catch up and answering any back to school questions you may have before doing our Mosstermind quiz!

If you are coming back to school this week, we will not be setting you any more home learning. If you are NOT coming back to school, we will be setting you home learning later this week- please check back on the blog and Google Classroom. 

See you all on Google Hangout tomorrow! :)

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer 

Note- it you are unsure which team point group you are in, please comment below and we will let you know!