Year 6: Blog items

Kahoot- the results!, by Miss Isbister

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 2:08pm

The Athens V Sparta Kahoot results are in! Drumroll please...

1st place....Noah

2nd place....Zaky

Well done to you both! Whilst Noah was in first place, there was somebody above him called 'M' and another person called '???' Since you have not entered your name, we cannot give you 1st place, so Noah gets it! 

In future, please make sure you enter your first name. If you would like a second attempt, put your name as 'Name attempt 2.' 


Well done everyone!

Kahoot- Athens V Sparta, by Miss Isbister

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 10:12am

You have until 2pm on Friday to complete the Kahoot!

Code 02369850 


Visit Kahoot or follow the link:

Monday 20th April Year 6, by Mr Boyer

Date: 19th Apr 2020 @ 1:25pm


Hi all,

Welcome back to the blog. Here you will find information about this week. Please post all messages under this blog and we will reply as soon as we can. We have also posted a video on our new Facebook page, have a look:

Today we would like you to start the Google Classroom assignment on 'Athens v Sparta'. You log in by putting your username (that you used to log onto the Chromebooks at school) with followed by your password e.g. If you have forgotten your password please post a comment below and I will reset it and text the new password to your parent/s. You do not need the classroom code as you are already assigned to the class. 

For Maths we'd like you to have a look at BBC Bitsize as they're starting their daily lessons today This is brand new this week and we'll monitor the content as we go on. 

For the rest of the week (once you have collected your new workbooks from school), follow the schedule below. Most of you have the books that say 'Year 6' on the front. A few of you have the books that says 'Year 6- Stretch' on the front (if you can't see the word 'stretch,' then you just have the Year 6 CGP one). 





CGP Pgs 4 - 7

Stretch Pgs 4 - 8

CGP Pgs 2 - 5

Stretch Pgs 2- 5


CGP Pgs 8 - 11

Stretch Pgs 9 - 11

CGP Pgs 6 - 9

Stretch Pgs 6 -9


CGP Pgs 12 - 15

Stretch Pgs 12 - 15

CGP Pgs 10 - 14

Stretch Pgs 10 - 14


CGP Pgs 16 - 19

Stretch Pgs 16 - 19

CGP Pgs 15 - 19

Stretch Pgs 15 - 19

Also, look out for the home learning tab on the website - here you'll find lots of ideas and websites that you can use during your 'school day'. Miss Higson is working on adding it.

Any questions, comment below!

Mr Boyer and Miss Isbister


Easter Holidays, by Mr Boyer

Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 12:44pm


Today we start our Easter holidays. There are 2 weeks when you don't have to do the sheets from your learning packs or anything on Google Classroom. Instead, myself and Miss Isbister would like you to have a go at some of your Pobble sheet activities that can be done as a family. We've also got a challenge against Year 4 on Times Tables Rockstars running until Tuesday 14th April.

Mrs Nunwick found this great list of activities to keep you and your family busy (while staying safe indoors).

Have fun everybody, we'll be back on the blog after the holidays!

Friday 27th March Year 6, by Miss Isbister

Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 7:55am

Good morning everyone! The sun is shining- happy Friday! 

We have a few tasks for you today:

1. Complete your last arithmetic paper and comprehension. 

2. Go to and research the key concepts of adaptation, evolution and inheritance (our new science topic!)

3. On Google slides, produce an information slide show about your findings. It’s up to you how you present it, but it should be both informative and interesting- don’t just copy and paste! 

4. Chester Zoo are holding a virtual zoo today. If you can, visit their Facebook page to watch some of their animals live! You could add a slide about the adaptation of an animal you see in the virtual zoo. See the picture below for more details. 


Don’t worry if you cannot get on Google classroom / slides. Instead, you could use PowerPoint or just present it in your blue exercise book. 

Comment below with how you have got on with your work and new timetable this week :)

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer 


Kahoot- the results! , by Miss Isbister

Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 3:27pm

The results are in!

5th- Alfie

4th- Mahnoor

3rd- Harry

2nd- Mia (which one?)

1st- ???

The questions is- who is the mystery person who put their name as ‘???’ I have a sneaky feeling it is somebody who had another go..! 

Well done to everybody who played! Did you enjoy it and would you like to play more Kahoots? 



Thursday 26th March Year 6, by Mr Boyer

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 8:38pm

Hi Year 6!

Well done to everybody who got onto the Kahoot quiz yesterday - I was there too and also a bit bemused (I'm clearly not a good guesser as I came 9th!). Miss Isbister has set up a new quiz that you can do anytime before 3pm today. Here are the details from her blog post:

'Go to again and enter the game pin 0374915
You should be able to see both the questions and answers, and like normal, you will have a 5 second time limit for each question. The only difference is we will not be playing 'live.' You just have from now until 3pm tomorrow to complete it, then I will submit the leaderboard on the blog!'

In addition to this, I have set up My Maths for you all to do - have a look! Whilst on a maths theme - did you see we lost to Year 4 by nearly 8000 correct answers on Times Tables Rockstars last weekend? I'm going to set up a rematch this weekend to last until 14th April! Meanwhile, it's pretty close between 6I and 6B (this battle finishes at 3.30pm on Friday).

Did you have a go at the ancient Greece research yesterday? If not, have a look at yesterday's blog post and give it a go if you haven't already, or if you started you can add to it. Don't forget day 4 maths and English from your pack too.

Good luck on the Kahoot quiz! (Fingers crossed it works this time - we are all learning!)

Mr Boyer and Miss Isbister yes


Kahoot- attempt 2!, by Miss Isbister

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 3:35pm

OK everybody- let's see if this works:
Go to again and enter the game pin 0374915
You should be able to see both the questions and answers, and like normal, you will have a 5 second time limit for each question.
The only difference is we will not be playing 'live.' You just have from now until 3pm tomorrow to complete it, then I will submit the leaderboard on the blog!

KAHOOT PIN, by Miss Isbister

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 2:56pm

Go to and enter the game pin: 9433699

First names please! Quiz will start by 3:05! Good luck! (p.s Don't let Mr Boyer win!) 


Wednesday 25th March Year 6, by Miss Isbister

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 8:40am

Good morning everyone! 

How did your wildlife activities go yesterday? Thanks to those who managed to put something up on Google Classroom smiley

Today we would like you to firstly complete your Arithmetic Test 3 and Comprehension 3. After that, it is time to start out new topic- Ancient Greece, complete with our first whole year group Kahoot, from a distance!

In your exercise book, on a double page, write today's date and title Ancient Greek Family Life. 

Then visit 

Create your double page research project about family life in Ancient Greece. Your subheadings could be:

1. Introduction

2. Home

3. Family roles

4. Fashion

5. Toys

6. Food

Remember to summarise your findings using full sentences. Addition connectives (moreover, in addition...) would work well. Include drawings too!


To see how much we have found out from our research, we will then be playing an Ancient Greek Family Life Kahoot! At 3pm today, go to and enter the game pin. I will post the game pin back here on the blog at 3pm! I will give you about 3 minutes to enter the game pin and your first name before I click play. As this is our first time trying Kahoot, we may have some problems, so don't worry if you don't manage to get on. Check the blog for updates from me and don't forget you can add comments here too!

Happy researching everyone and we will be back on at 3pm for a live Kahoot! 

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer smiley

Tuesday 24th March, by Mr Boyer

Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 7:47am

Good morning Year 6,

We hope you all had a good day yesterday and that you managed to get a good balance of work, rest and exercise.

Don't forget that Joe Wicks is a great way to start the day, or to catch on delay at any point during the day:

Your daily schedule Maths and English is 'Arithmetic test 2 and English Comprehension 2: Deforestation'

Feeling creative? Mrs Edwards has suggested looking at the Wildlife Watch website and there are lots of fun activities to do in the garden/yard. While the sun is shining, why don't you try and attempt some of them? 

Here is the website:

If you manage to complete one of the activities, we have set up a Google Classroom document for you to add a picture to so we can see. Do not worry if you are not able to do this. Instead, you could write today's date in your blue book and draw and label a picture of your creation.

Good luck,

Mr Boyer and Miss Isbister :)

Good morning Year 6! 23/03/20, by Miss Isbister

Date: 23rd Mar 2020 @ 8:41am

Good morning Year 6! smiley

It must feel a little strange today (and probably has this weekend too!) but today, like any other Monday, is the start of a new week of learning. It will just look a little bit different! Our quote of the week this week is "The price of greatness is responsibility."

It is really important that you make a good start to your home learning today. For this reason, your first task today is to create a home learning timetable . Work with your adult at home to agree a daily timetable from Monday-Friday. Think about chunking the day up with set times for the following:

1. Wake up time

2. Breakfast/get ready

3. School work (2-3 hours) 

4. Exercise (30 minutes)

5. Reading and adding to your reading record (2 separate 30 minute slots)

6. Creative activties such as drawing (1 hour)

7. Diary writing to reflect on the day (30 minutes)

8. Helping with chores at home (30 minutes)

9. Don't forget break times too!

Record your timetable in your blue exercise book. Today's date Monday 23rd March and title Home Learning Timetable. Try to organise a work space too (a table is best if you can).

In your home learning pack, we have directed you to do certain maths/English activities every day. Today you have Arithmetic Test 1 and English Comprehension 1. We will also update the blog each morning with other tasks and ideas, such as what you can do for exercise in the house.

We hope you enjoy your first home learning day. We are thinking about you today! 

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer smileysmiley


PE Home Learning - The PE Passport, by Mr Tarry

Date: 20th Mar 2020 @ 12:00pm

During the time school is closed, PE Passport have put together a selection of videos, ideas and activities that, if you are looking for something to do, will hopefully give you some different ways to stay active. 

The content is designed to provide fun and engaging challenges to be attempted at home and as families. They have added Dance, Yoga, Hand/Eye Coordination skills and Personal Challenges. PE Passport will be updating the content daily over the next week and we hope the resources available will help your school community stay active during the closure. They have also provided external links to other websites that might prove useful to parents and carers whilst at home.

Hope you enjoy!

Mr Tarry :)

Times Tables Rockstars, by Mr Boyer

Date: 12th Mar 2020 @ 5:11pm

Remember to keep logging on to TT Rockstars!

DT- WW2 Morrison Shelters, by Miss Isbister

Date: 20th Dec 2019 @ 3:07pm

Year 6 learnt about Morrison Shelters before designing, building, testing and evaluating their own.

Great work Year 6!

Electricity workshop , by Miss Isbister

Date: 8th Nov 2019 @ 1:47pm

Year 6 have had a fantastic day learning all about electricity. We were surprised to find out that we are also conductors! 

Using Quiz Quiz Trade and Kahoot to check for understanding!, by Miss Isbister

Date: 6th Nov 2019 @ 8:22am

Online Safety Audit , by Mrs McEvoy

Date: 9th Oct 2019 @ 8:18am

Click below to complete the questionnaire 

Online Safety

STEM trip, by Miss Isbister

Date: 2nd Oct 2019 @ 12:41pm

Quiz Quiz Trade and Kahoot in Science, by Miss Isbister

Date: 2nd Oct 2019 @ 12:40pm

PSHE Education, by Miss Isbister

Date: 11th Sep 2019 @ 11:05am

Here we are learning what PSHE Education stands for!





Reading Quiz, by Miss Currie

Date: 10th Sep 2019 @ 4:56pm

Reading Quiz

Spanish games, by Miss Butler

Date: 25th Jul 2019 @ 1:54pm


Try the free games on this site...and let me know what you think!


Ms Butler 

Science Pupil Voice, by Miss Isbister

Date: 23rd Jul 2019 @ 10:15am

Click the link to answer the questionnaire!

Spanish Pupil Questionnaire , by Miss Butler

Date: 19th Jul 2019 @ 9:29am

Image result for spain flag

Spanish Questionnaire

Click on the link above to tell me all about Spanish at Moss Park!

Ms Butler smiley