Good morning Year 6! 23/03/20

Date: 23rd Mar 2020 @ 8:41am

Good morning Year 6! smiley

It must feel a little strange today (and probably has this weekend too!) but today, like any other Monday, is the start of a new week of learning. It will just look a little bit different! Our quote of the week this week is "The price of greatness is responsibility."

It is really important that you make a good start to your home learning today. For this reason, your first task today is to create a home learning timetable . Work with your adult at home to agree a daily timetable from Monday-Friday. Think about chunking the day up with set times for the following:

1. Wake up time

2. Breakfast/get ready

3. School work (2-3 hours) 

4. Exercise (30 minutes)

5. Reading and adding to your reading record (2 separate 30 minute slots)

6. Creative activties such as drawing (1 hour)

7. Diary writing to reflect on the day (30 minutes)

8. Helping with chores at home (30 minutes)

9. Don't forget break times too!

Record your timetable in your blue exercise book. Today's date Monday 23rd March and title Home Learning Timetable. Try to organise a work space too (a table is best if you can).

In your home learning pack, we have directed you to do certain maths/English activities every day. Today you have Arithmetic Test 1 and English Comprehension 1. We will also update the blog each morning with other tasks and ideas, such as what you can do for exercise in the house.

We hope you enjoy your first home learning day. We are thinking about you today! 

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer smileysmiley