Thursday 26th March Year 6

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 8:38pm

Hi Year 6!

Well done to everybody who got onto the Kahoot quiz yesterday - I was there too and also a bit bemused (I'm clearly not a good guesser as I came 9th!). Miss Isbister has set up a new quiz that you can do anytime before 3pm today. Here are the details from her blog post:

'Go to again and enter the game pin 0374915
You should be able to see both the questions and answers, and like normal, you will have a 5 second time limit for each question. The only difference is we will not be playing 'live.' You just have from now until 3pm tomorrow to complete it, then I will submit the leaderboard on the blog!'

In addition to this, I have set up My Maths for you all to do - have a look! Whilst on a maths theme - did you see we lost to Year 4 by nearly 8000 correct answers on Times Tables Rockstars last weekend? I'm going to set up a rematch this weekend to last until 14th April! Meanwhile, it's pretty close between 6I and 6B (this battle finishes at 3.30pm on Friday).

Did you have a go at the ancient Greece research yesterday? If not, have a look at yesterday's blog post and give it a go if you haven't already, or if you started you can add to it. Don't forget day 4 maths and English from your pack too.

Good luck on the Kahoot quiz! (Fingers crossed it works this time - we are all learning!)

Mr Boyer and Miss Isbister yes