Year 6: Blog items

Music Pupil Voice, by Miss Butler

Date: 18th Jul 2019 @ 5:17pm

Related image

Music Questionnaire

Click the link above and tell me all about Music in our school.

Ms Butler

Art Pupil Voice , by Miss Jones

Date: 26th Apr 2019 @ 1:38pm

Hello everyone,

Here is the link for the Art questionnaire. You must fill this in when your teacher has read you each question. Please help us make Art even better at MPJS by giving us as much information as you can.

Thank you,

Miss Jones and Miss Horvath

History Questionnaire, by Miss Higson

Date: 7th Mar 2019 @ 1:47pm

Hello everyone.

Here is the link for the History questionnaire. You must fill this in when your teacher has read you each question. Please help us make History even better at MPJS by giving us as much information as you can.

Thank you,

Miss Higson

Click here for History questionnaire

Geography Questionnaire , by Mr Tarry

Date: 20th Feb 2019 @ 1:54pm

Click on the link below to complete the questionnaire. We want to find out more about Geography in our school!

Geography Questionnaire 

Pupil Curriculum Questionnaire, by Miss Higson

Date: 28th Jan 2019 @ 11:16am

Please click here to access the quiz

Holocaust survivor visit , by Miss Isbister

Date: 11th Jan 2019 @ 1:43pm

We were fortunate enough to receive a visit from Lady Baines, who experienced life during WW2. 

Lady Baines provided us with some important messages: 

- to not be a bystander

- to know that life goes on after difficult times 

Were you inspired by Lady Baines' stories? 

Debating judgement, by Miss Isbister

Date: 7th Dec 2018 @ 3:55pm

This week in R.E, Year 6 discussed the concept of judgement, heaven and hell. They had to work as a team to discuss several scenarios and order them from heaven to hell. 


What did you do to come to a decision?

Fruit testing - Geography, by Miss Isbister

Date: 21st Nov 2018 @ 4:16pm

Which was your favourite fruit? 

Can you name all of the continents and all of the biomes in the world?

P4C- Reincarnation, by Miss Isbister

Date: 21st Nov 2018 @ 4:13pm

What do you believe?

Concept Maps , by Miss Isbister

Date: 7th Nov 2018 @ 1:47pm

Did you enjoy revising the Circulatory System by creating a Concept Map?

STEM day at FGS/Wellacre, by Miss Isbister

Date: 5th Oct 2018 @ 3:16pm

What was your favourite part of the day?

Kahoot quiz, by Miss Isbister

Date: 5th Oct 2018 @ 3:13pm

Did you enjoy using Kahoot to test your knowledge on the dangers of smoking?  

Black Minority Ethnic inspirational people, by Miss Isbister

Date: 2nd Oct 2018 @ 12:58pm

Read over the Black History Month news item. 

Use this space to add information on a Black Minority Ethnic person who YOU think is inspirational. 

20 team points for every contribution AND Mrs Nunwick will be told of your post! :)

Year 6- a new start!, by Miss Isbister

Date: 12th Sep 2018 @ 1:47pm

What are you looking forward to in Year 6? What are you hoping to achieve?

The Circulatory System, by Miss Isbister

Date: 12th Sep 2018 @ 1:38pm

As part of our Staying Alive topic, Year 6 learnt about how the heart pumps oxygenated blood through our arteries to our muscles. Deoxygenated blood is then transported through our veins and back to the heart. 

What did you think of this lesson? What did you learn? 

Team Volcano at Robinwood!, by Miss Isbister

Date: 28th Jun 2018 @ 3:10pm

Team Dune at Robinwood! , by Miss Isbister

Date: 28th Jun 2018 @ 3:00pm

STEM week, by Miss Isbister

Date: 28th Jun 2018 @ 1:46pm

We had so much fun during STEM week! Some of our activities included:

biscuit dunking, finding the mean and drawing bar charts 

stop motion animation 

constructing towers 

Skyping a Scientist 

investigating craters 

colour and chemical reactions 


STEM is all about discovering... we hope you enjoyed the week! 

Mrs Singh's Group at Robinwood!, by Miss Higson

Date: 24th Jun 2018 @ 9:01am

River Team at Robinwood! , by Miss Lee

Date: 24th Jun 2018 @ 8:25am

Here are some pictures of our exciting weekend at Robinwood!

TeamDune Day 2! , by Miss Isbister

Date: 23rd Jun 2018 @ 10:31pm

Lava Group with Mr Boyer and Miss Higson, by Miss Higson

Date: 23rd Jun 2018 @ 9:49pm

Moss Park Movie Morning, by Miss Lee

Date: 23rd May 2018 @ 11:12am

Thanks year 6 for our amazing treat! 

Holiday Homework , by Miss Isbister

Date: 23rd May 2018 @ 9:51am

Summer 2 Curriculum Fact Sheet , by Miss Isbister

Date: 23rd May 2018 @ 9:40am

File attached.