Wednesday 25th March Year 6

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 8:40am

Good morning everyone! 

How did your wildlife activities go yesterday? Thanks to those who managed to put something up on Google Classroom smiley

Today we would like you to firstly complete your Arithmetic Test 3 and Comprehension 3. After that, it is time to start out new topic- Ancient Greece, complete with our first whole year group Kahoot, from a distance!

In your exercise book, on a double page, write today's date and title Ancient Greek Family Life. 

Then visit 

Create your double page research project about family life in Ancient Greece. Your subheadings could be:

1. Introduction

2. Home

3. Family roles

4. Fashion

5. Toys

6. Food

Remember to summarise your findings using full sentences. Addition connectives (moreover, in addition...) would work well. Include drawings too!


To see how much we have found out from our research, we will then be playing an Ancient Greek Family Life Kahoot! At 3pm today, go to and enter the game pin. I will post the game pin back here on the blog at 3pm! I will give you about 3 minutes to enter the game pin and your first name before I click play. As this is our first time trying Kahoot, we may have some problems, so don't worry if you don't manage to get on. Check the blog for updates from me and don't forget you can add comments here too!

Happy researching everyone and we will be back on at 3pm for a live Kahoot! 

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer smiley