Monday 18th May 2020 Year 6

Date: 16th May 2020 @ 4:58pm

Good morning Year 6! 

This week is the last week of this half term - we break up on Friday for our Whit half term for 2 weeks.

A few 'well dones' to start with:

1. Well done to Thomas, Oliver, Austin and Mia L for getting the Super Learners' certificates in Mrs Nunwick's Live Friday Assembly!

2. Well done to everyone who had a go at the Google Classroom assignment on the ancient olympics- some fantastic research and presentations. 

3. Well done to those who took part in the Times Tables Rockstars battle against Year 5 - we didn't quite win but there were some oustanding individual performances from Noor, Mia L, Thomas and Zohah.

This week, we would like you to:

1. Continue with your English and Maths books. Here are the page numbers for each day:

  English-CGP English- Stretch Maths- CGP Maths- Stretch
Mon 18 76-79 70-73 BBC Bitesize daily lesson 18th May
Tues 19 80-83 74-77 BBC Bitesize daily lesson 19th May
Weds 20 84-87 78-81 76-77 76-77
Thurs 21 88-91 82-85 78-79 78-79
Fri 22 92-95 86-89 My Maths

2. Complete the Spanish Google Classroom assignment - all about cognates - ie. words that are similar in both languages and instantly recognisable eg guitarra, educación physica etc. There are 2 videos to watch, a link to a Kahoot quiz and a challenge to find more cognates.

3. Complete the coding assignment - this is to design a game for The Battle of Marathon on Scratch.

Remember you can add a 'private comment' on Google Classroom if you have any questions. We will also write a comment here when we mark your work so remember to check back by the end of the week.

4. Boys v Girls TT Battle- all week

Please comment with anything else you are up to, any questions, or even just to say hello! 

Stay safe and enjoy the week! 

Miss Isbister and Mr Boyer :)