Year 6: Blog items

Sewing tapestries, by Miss Horvath

Date: 18th May 2022 @ 8:40am

Year 6 really enjoyed their previous Art topic - here they are sewing their own designs to create miniature tapestries. 

Street Art - Lettering, by Miss Horvath

Date: 18th May 2022 @ 8:36am

Year 6 enjoyed practising their lettering in our Street Art unit this week. They explored different tones, light and shadow and the shape of the letters often used in graffiti. They also learnt that names on graffiti are often referred to as 'throwies'. Even Mr Boyer and Miss Horvath got involved!

Ice Cream!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 16th May 2022 @ 8:10am

Year 6 enjoyed an end of SATs week treat on Friday - Ice cream! 

Ancient Greece day!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 7:55am

To finish our last topic on Ancient Greece, Year 6 enjoyed a full day of activities including drama, theatre, dance, a clay workshop, games and much more!

The state of the planet!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 7:54am

We started our new Geography topic by looking at looking at the 2020 planet report. We then worked in groups to create our own planet reports to present to the class. In our reports we included the threats, causes and effects that we currently have on our planet and any solutions that people can take to prevent further devastation. 

Refraction, by Miss Horvath

Date: 28th Feb 2022 @ 8:46am

In Science this week, Year 6 explored how light travels through trasnparent objects and what refraction means. 

Are we damaging our world? Project, by Miss Horvath

Date: 28th Feb 2022 @ 8:45am

Here are some of 6H's amazing holiday projects. 

Team point challenges!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 12:33pm

For enrichment today, Year 6 worked in their team points groups to complete a Spring term retrieval grid. They had to use their combined knowledge to remember facts from the start of the half term up to this week! After, we went outside to play a carousel of team games. 6B and 6H played competitively against one another in their team point groups. They had a lot of fun! 

Reflecting Light!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 12:29pm

Year 6 enjoyed using mirrors to look at how they can reflect light. 

Chinese New Year - Lucky Fish!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 1st Feb 2022 @ 12:20pm

Year 6 decided to make their own 'lucky' fishes to celebrate Chinese New Year - This year is the year of the tiger!

The fish has a symbolic meaning for the Chinese people, particularly when celebrating Chinese New Year. The Arowana Fish also known as the Dragon Fish is believed to have descended from a mythical dragon and have the power to bring happiness and prosperity. It is also traditional to serve fish at the end of the New Years evening meal, due to its name sounding similar to the words 'wish' and 'abundance' in the Chinese language. 

Year 6 - Active maths, by Miss Horvath

Date: 31st Jan 2022 @ 10:01am

In this lesson, the children had to match up Fraction, Decimal and Percentage equivalents through a fun game of snap! 

Year 6 - Active Maths, by Miss Horvath

Date: 31st Jan 2022 @ 10:00am

In this lesson, we explored area and perimeter through drawing different rectangles. We learnt that a shape can have the same area but a different perimeter. We looked at how knowing factors can help us to work out the perimeter of a shape when we're given the area.

Y6 Dance!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 12:25pm

Year 6 have started dance sessions as well as rugby this half term. They have a performance coming together already! (Week 2)

Sale Sharks are in Y6!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 13th Jan 2022 @ 11:50am

Year 6 are working with Sale Sharks Rugby team this half-term. We've loved the sessions so far! 

Light and shadows!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 7:46am

We experimented with light and shadow and learnt that light only travels in straight lines which is how shadows are formed against opaque objects.

D.T - Structures, by Miss Horvath

Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 2:46pm

We made tents in D.T this week. 

ExTraffordGanza, by Miss Horvath

Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 2:45pm

Year 6 enjoyed our virtual concert last week! 

A Christmas Carol - Drama 6H, by Miss Horvath

Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 2:44pm

We had a lot of fun acting out the scenes in a Christmas Carol. 

Christmas Party Day!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 15th Dec 2021 @ 12:30pm

Circuits!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 8:16am

In Science this half term we are learning all about electricity. For our first lesson, we explored the different components of a circuit and enjoyed looking at which circuits worked and which didn't and why. 

Parliament week at PHM!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 2nd Nov 2021 @ 5:31pm

Year 6 had a great visit at the People's History Museum this week where they learnt a lot about Parliament, how to become an MP and a lot about 'The Longest Act'! We also mastered our local metrolink! 

St. Matthews, by Miss Horvath

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 8:41am

Year 6 went on a local walk to visit St. Matthews this week. We discussed the differences and similarities that different religion's places of worships have. We were allowed to look around and admired the stained glass windows. We were also delighted to find that there was a war memorial dedicated to WW1 as we have recently just finished our history topic all about WW1 & WW2. 

Freddy Fit!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 2:51pm

Year 6 once again loved working out with Freddy Fit this afternoon! 

6B outdoor maths!, by Mr Boyer

Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 10:25am

We had a great time getting outside to do BIIIIIIG symmetry!

We used sports equipment and a line of symmetry to reflect.

Tingatinga!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 4:57pm

For Art this term we are looking at 'Art of Africa'. This week, we looked at the artwork of Edward Said Tingatinga who formed the Tingatinga art form. Look at our fantastic work!