Year 4: News items

Information to Parents / Carers w/c 14.10.24, by Mrs Clifford

Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 8:00am

Please see attached our information to parents sheet for this week

Welcome to Year 4 letter, by Miss Naushin

Date: 4th Sep 2024 @ 4:58pm

Dear parents / carers,

We hope you have enjoyed the summer break! The children have settled beautifully into life in year 4 and we have had a fantastic first few days.

Please find attached our Welcome to Year 4 Letter.

We would also like to invite you to a welcome to Year 4 meeting with your class teacher, in their classroom, next Thursday 12th September at 3.45pm. 

The slides will be available to view after the session if you are not able to make it. 

Quick update - lots of you have asked when swimming starts - it is Wednesday 11th September for 4C ONLY for this term. Swimming letter to follow.

Best wishes,

The Year 4 Team

Information and dates for parents 29th April 2024, by Mrs Nunwick

Date: 30th Apr 2024 @ 11:31am

Please find our lates news sheet attached. Kind regards, Mrs N and the MPPS team.