Year 4: Blog items

Art Club Dragons, by Miss Currie

Date: 22nd Nov 2018 @ 4:23pm

Art club drew their own dragons tonight.

Year 4 love to read!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 13th Nov 2018 @ 5:09pm

Year 4 have recieved some fantastic feedback about how well we keep our reading records up to date and how much we all read at home!


Remember - an adult can write in anything you read at home! Don't forget to try to read as much as possible, it's a great way to wind down before bed time. 


Have a look at some of us enjoying our classroom reading corner...

Hadrian's Wall, by Mr Tarry

Date: 13th Nov 2018 @ 2:57pm

We are going to be researching Hadrian's wall for our hot write in English. We are going to be creating concept maps and fact files to help us with our writing. Here are some useful links to help us: (Video)

Rangoli Patterns , by Mr Tarry

Date: 7th Nov 2018 @ 11:52am

We are celebrating Diwali in Year 4 by designing our own rangoli patterns. We have used our symmetry skills from Maths, creative ideas from Art and knowledge on the patterns from RE to complete our designs. 

Remembrance Sunday, by Miss Horvath

Date: 5th Nov 2018 @ 9:29am

Remembrance Sunday, which falls on 11 November in 2018, is a day for the nation to remember and honour those who have sacrificed themselves to secure and protect our freedom. It marks the day World War One ended, at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918.

Year 4 have been learning a lot about Remembrance Sunday and the importance of celebrating such an event. In a class discussion we decided that we would like to make our own poppies to either add to a display or to take home. To do this we are going to need plastic bottles bringing in. Thank you already to the children who have remembered to bring their plastic bottle in and to the children who have brought in an extra bottle for their friends. The idea is to recycle our plastic bottles and use the bottom of them to make beautiful poppies. 


If you would like to know more about Remembrance Sunday then please take a look at the following links:



Roman Board Games, by Mr Tarry

Date: 31st Oct 2018 @ 4:23pm

We researched different games and activities that the Romans liked to play to keep them entertained. We learned how to play 'ROTA' - a version of connect 4. The children really enjoyed the game, so much so, they wanted to stay in at play time to play it even more! 

Birds of Prey, by Miss Currie

Date: 19th Oct 2018 @ 11:45am

Wow! This morning was an amazing experience for Years 3 and 4. We not only learnt all about some wonderful birds of prey, but some lucky children also had the chance to hold them. Thanks Mike. 

Sports knock out!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 15th Oct 2018 @ 5:42pm

4H have really enjoyed spending their Monday mornings in P.E with coach Mr Jordan from TeachingSport. This morning they had a class 'ultimate' battle where they showed off all of the skills they had learnt so far this half term. 

Art Club Bookmarks, by Miss Currie

Date: 11th Oct 2018 @ 4:44pm

This week we made some emoji bookmarks.

Times Table Rockstar Envy, by Miss Horvath

Date: 5th Oct 2018 @ 12:59pm

This year we have been trying really hard to master our times tables in year 4. It has been an easy task so far thanks to Times Table Rockstars!

Unfortunately, 4T have been consistently beating 4H in the online times table competitions, so 4H's Layth suggested a great technique for learning our 9x tables. He proudly showed the whole class and we practiced together. We then discussed other techniques that we can use to help us with our times tables.

Hopefully, this will help us all in our mission to beat 4T's class! 


Remember to try to log on at home as much as possible: 


Powers of Persuasion , by Miss Horvath

Date: 5th Oct 2018 @ 12:53pm

Year 4 have been looking at persuasive techniques this week and have spent their morning trying out their persuasive powers! First, they were able to practice in the playground in their table groups and they then later performed in the classroom where we voted as a class who was the most persuasive! 


Hadrian's Wall, by Mr Tarry

Date: 5th Oct 2018 @ 9:21am

In Year 4, we have been looking at where the Romans settled and what life was like in the Roman times. We have researched facts about Hadrian's wall and how it helped to protect the Romans in the north of England. Can you remember any of the facts we found?

Art Club, by Miss Currie

Date: 4th Oct 2018 @ 10:01pm

This week in LKS2 Art Club, the children were only given half of an image and they had to use their artistic drawing skills to create the missing half. The artwork turned out brilliantly as the children put so much effort in to ensuring that they were accurate.

Hot Seating/ Drama in English , by Mr Tarry

Date: 1st Oct 2018 @ 1:54pm

We tried to get into the role of the witch from our book, 'The Lost Happy Endings'. The children wrote questions and then we acted out a hot seated interview! 

Experimenting with sound , by Mr Tarry

Date: 14th Sep 2018 @ 4:00pm

Year 4 have been experiementing with sound waves. We made plastic cup telephones! This allowed us to feel the sound vibrating along the string.  

Slime!, by Mr Tarry

Date: 4th Jul 2018 @ 9:29am

We followed a secret recipe to make some slime during STEM week 

Scratch in ICT, by Mr Tarry

Date: 2nd Jul 2018 @ 2:38pm 


Click on the link to code the teddy bear 

Biscuit Dunking -STEM week 4T, by Mr Tarry

Date: 25th Jun 2018 @ 10:12am

Here are some photos from 4Ts biscuit dunking challenge. Which biscuit was the best?

Homework Projects (4T), by Mr Tarry

Date: 13th Jun 2018 @ 3:12pm

Here are some of our fantastic homework projects on our last science topic, 'Animals and Humans'. Our projects included teeth, posters and animal sculptures. 

Brilliant Bubbles in Science (4T), by Mr Tarry

Date: 13th Jun 2018 @ 3:09pm

We looked at the science behind making bubbles and what chemical reactions happen when they are made and pop. 

Tudor Assembly, by Mr Tarry

Date: 25th May 2018 @ 7:56am

Well done to our year 4s for a brilliant Tudor Assembly! 

Take one Picture, by Mr Tarry

Date: 21st May 2018 @ 4:11pm

Year 4 have started their take one picture art work. We made the most of the nice weather to get outside and draw some branches and tree trunks. 

Making Poo in Science , by Mr Tarry

Date: 16th May 2018 @ 2:23pm

Here are some photographs of Year 4 recreating the digestive system in a science investigation. It was a very smelly lesson!

Structures, by Mr Tarry

Date: 14th May 2018 @ 3:03pm

Year 4 created a structure to hold the heaviest weight in their DT lesson. They had to use their problem solving skills to tackle the problem. 

World Cup 2018, by Mr Tarry

Date: 11th May 2018 @ 8:22am

We are going to be choosing a team from this year's World Cup and will then find out some more information about it.

  • Who is their star player?
  • What is the capital city?
  • What is your country's population? 
  • Do you have any 'fun facts' about your country?