Year 4: Blog items

Computer skills , by Miss Horvath

Date: 10th May 2019 @ 4:03pm

Computing Mind mapping , by Mr Tarry

Date: 10th May 2019 @ 12:22pm

Here is the link to create a digital mind map for today's lesson

Rangoli Symmetry , by Miss Horvath

Date: 10th May 2019 @ 11:50am

Putting our Symmetry skills to colourful use in maths!

Rangoli Symmetry, by Miss Horvath

Date: 10th May 2019 @ 11:43am

Water Cycle Models , by Miss Horvath

Date: 30th Apr 2019 @ 5:05pm

Year 4 made the most of the sunshine today and decided to make their own water cycle models outside in the playground. We were able to observe the processes of evaporation and condensation within minutes of creating our models! Great work Year 4!

Art Pupil Voice , by Miss Jones

Date: 26th Apr 2019 @ 1:38pm

Hello everyone,

Here is the link for the Art questionnaire. You must fill this in when your teacher has read you each question. Please help us make Art even better at MPJS by giving us as much information as you can.

Thank you,

Miss Jones and Miss Horvath

We Are Co-Authors, by Miss Horvath

Date: 26th Apr 2019 @ 8:20am


Use the following link to access an online mind map platform!

Water Cycle Project, by Miss Horvath

Date: 15th Apr 2019 @ 5:39pm

Year 4 loved sharing their holiday projects in class today. 


Thanks to all who have managed to bring something in! 

Electricity in Science , by Mr Tarry

Date: 28th Mar 2019 @ 8:45am

Year 4 have been experimenting with the electrical equipment, building circuits in Science. They learned how to include buzzers, switches and motors. 

Victorians, by Miss Horvath

Date: 28th Mar 2019 @ 8:32am

Year 4 performed their hearts out yesterday and all of the staff here are incredibly proud of their hard work. 


A big thank you to any parents who helped with costumes and to parents who were able to find the time to come and watch. 


For anyone who missed out, here are some pictures of our wonderful Year 4 children!

Circuits!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 22nd Mar 2019 @ 3:58pm

Year 4 had lots of fun exploring our circuit resources this afternoon. We learnt what the different components were for a circuit and which circuits worked best and why. 


A big thank you to our Science Ambassadors in Year 6 who helped us to look after our equipment and tidy it away!

Coding in Year 4, by Miss Horvath

Date: 8th Mar 2019 @ 1:44pm

Year 4 have spent their computing sessions learning about coding websites. Today we’ve learnt that <  > these symbols are called angle brackets and that we need both of them for any code we type. 


We have loved experimenting with different font types and sizes and look forward to next weeks lesson! 

World Book Day, by Miss Horvath

Date: 8th Mar 2019 @ 12:44pm

History Questionnaire, by Miss Higson

Date: 7th Mar 2019 @ 1:47pm

Hello everyone.

Here is the link for the History questionnaire. You must fill this in when your teacher has read you each question. Please help us make History even better at MPJS by giving us as much information as you can.

Thank you,

Miss Higson

Click here for History questionnaire

Freddy Fit is back!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 26th Feb 2019 @ 2:45pm

Year 4 have had a great afternoon with Freddy Fit learning all about the body and playing some fantastic teamwork games! 

Stained Glass Windows, by Miss Horvath

Date: 26th Feb 2019 @ 12:35pm

Year 4 have been looking closely at stained glass windows and how they can represent teachings from different religions. We looked in particular at the Christian Easter story and how we could represent it through the art of a stained glass window. We created our images and then to give them a WOW window effect we decided to laminate each design. 

HTML in Computing , by Mr Tarry

Date: 22nd Feb 2019 @ 2:36pm

HTML Birthday Card

Geography Questionnaire , by Mr Tarry

Date: 20th Feb 2019 @ 1:54pm

Click on the link below to complete the questionnaire. We want to find out more about Geography in our school!

Geography Questionnaire 

Ice Cream in a Bag!, by Miss Horvath

Date: 8th Feb 2019 @ 2:34pm

Year 4 have really enjoyed their science topic this half-term on States of Matter. To finish, we spent this morning making ice cream in a bag!


We combined milk, vanilla and sugar in a bag and placed that bag into another bag which contained a LOT of ice and salt!


The salt lowers the ice's melting point and the ice begins to melt. As you create friction from shaking the bags, the milk begins to freeze and become a solid = ICE CREAM! 


We enjoyed making the ice cream but we LOVED tasting it afterwards!

The Water Cycle, by Miss Horvath

Date: 29th Jan 2019 @ 4:56pm

Year 4 spent some time today learning all about the water cycle and how United Utilities helps to provide clean water to our school and homes. 

We discussed changes in state, tips for saving water, water safety, how much water we use daily and even, how we could save our adults some money at home!

A big thank you to United Utilities and King Fisher Education for a wonderful and educational day. 

Natural Inspiration, by Miss Horvath

Date: 28th Jan 2019 @ 4:20pm

Last week, Year 4 spent some time in the school field and gardens looking at different natural objects and practising observational drawings.

We are currently looking at Victorian artist William Morris and how he used nature in many of his prints and artworks. 

We aim to finish this topic by re-creating some of his work and creating our own printed pieces of art using nature as inspiration!

Pupil Curriculum Questionnaire, by Miss Higson

Date: 28th Jan 2019 @ 11:16am

Please click here to access the quiz

Martin Luther King Day and World Religion Day, by Miss Horvath

Date: 25th Jan 2019 @ 9:26am

Last week, Year 4 spent some time looking at Martin Luther King as it was then that America celebrated Martin Luther King day. Martin Luther King day is held to celebrate his birthday and to remind us of all of his great accomplishments. 

We also spent some time writing acrostic poems for World Religion Day which took place on Sunday 20th January.  World Religion Day was recognised in 1950 in the United States and is now celebrated worldwide on the third Sunday in January each year. We discussed the importance of tolerance and respect for all religions and how we can show tolerance and respect to someone with a different religion to us. 

South America , by Mr Tarry

Date: 14th Jan 2019 @ 11:08am

This week in Year 4, we are looking at South America. 

Test youself on the quiz below - how well do you know the location of the South American countries? 


Art, by Miss Horvath

Date: 10th Jan 2019 @ 2:07pm

This half term Year 4 will be diving into the world of Victorian Art, specifically focusing on renowned artist, William Morris. 

To kick start the topic, the children observed the art of potato printing! The children noticed that in order to get a clear print you need to take care and ensure that you focus on the details for the best results. 

Once the potatoes were put away, we decided to have a go at sketching natural objects to improve our ability to add depth and texture to our drawings.