Year 4: Blog items

Art Attack club, by Mrs Richardson

Date: 10th May 2018 @ 5:12pm

This week in Art Attack club we looked at Edvard Munch's famous painitng, 'The Scream'. The children used watercolours, ink and photography to create their own versions. The results were very effective. Can you name any other famous paintings we could try our own versions of?

Henry VIII and his six wives, by Mr Tarry

Date: 10th May 2018 @ 3:20pm

We are mid way through our 'Tudors' History topic. We have been learning all about the different Tudor monarchs, most recently Henry VIII. We will be hosting our Year 4 assembly in a couple of weeks on the life of Henry and we want to know what you know about the famous Tudor King. 

Comment on this post and tell us something you have learned so far in this topic.


Mr Tarry and Ms Butler 


4T's Lesson on the Beatitudes, by Mr Tarry

Date: 3rd May 2018 @ 1:30pm

In today's lesson, 4T were learning about the Beatitudes and how Christian's use them for guidance in their day to day lives.This is part of our summer term RE focus. So far this term, we have had a look at different religions' golden rules as well as then Ten Commandments. Today in class, 4T had the chance to create some freeze frames that represented some of the Beatitudes.

Can you name one of the Beatitudes?

Food Chains , by Mr Tarry

Date: 30th Apr 2018 @ 4:18pm

Here are some pictures of 4T arranging food chains in order. Can you remember any of the new vocabulary you learned today? 

Art inspired by Peter Saville, by Mr Tarry

Date: 27th Apr 2018 @ 3:03pm

Here are some pictures of 4T completing their final pieces, inspired by Peter Saville. 

A lesson on rules, by Mr Tarry

Date: 27th Apr 2018 @ 2:57pm

We learned all about the importance of having rules. We went outside and were given a range of equipment and told to 'play'. We had to make our own rules!

This activity showed us how much we rely on rules to play games and play fairly. We were all creative and came up with many different games!

Tudor clothing and artefacts, by Mr Tarry

Date: 27th Apr 2018 @ 2:49pm

This week in History, we looked at Tudor clothing and different artefacs from every day Tudor life. Can you remember any of the names and uses for any of the items? 

Earth Day, by Mrs Grainger

Date: 24th Apr 2018 @ 12:15pm

On Sunday, it was Earth Day.  It has been reported that plastic straws are going to be banned because there is too much plastic waste ending up in the sea. How are you reducing your plastic use in school and at home?  For example; you might be reusing water bottles instead of throwing them away, using paper straws instead of plastic, using reusable plastic bags or bags for life or wrapping your packed lunch in tinfoil instead of clingfilm.  We would love for you to let us know.

Translating Practically , by Mr Tarry

Date: 6th Feb 2018 @ 4:54pm

To learn how to translate and use the correct mathematical language, we decided to translate ourselves around a grid!