Year 3: Blog items

Spring Enrichment Day, by Miss Higson

Date: 17th Apr 2018 @ 1:30pm

Baking, multisports, computing, iPads, film club and dance class were just SOME of the activities we had going on for your reward day at the end of term. Well done to everyone who had 4 tokens to spend on activities of your choice. It means you have been excellent learners and pupils since Christmas. Keep up the good work, ready for the summer day later on this year.

Miss Higson and Miss Currie

Our Roman Assembly, by Miss Higson

Date: 29th Mar 2018 @ 1:50pm

Wow! We were so impressed with Year 3's assembly yesterday. Well done everyone! It was great to see you all showcase everything you had learnt about the Romans. Miss Currie and I hope you had a brilliant time performing.

World Book Day, by Miss Higson

Date: 1st Mar 2018 @ 2:45pm

We celebrated World Book Day today. Everyone wore a costume which represented a book character in some way. The children all looked brilliant and I really enjoyed the chats we had about the books you were reading. Year 6 were also a reading buddy for each pupil in Year 3 - it was lovely to see the Year 6 pupils asking younger children about their book and listening to them read. What a great day!

Miss Higson

Freddy Fit came to Year 3!, by Miss Higson

Date: 27th Feb 2018 @ 12:31pm

Today we warmed up from the snow outside and took part in a class with Freddy Fit all morning! We had a great time and learnt all about our muscles. 

Can you remember the following things?

  • The strongest muscle
  • The biggest muscle
  • The smallest muscle
  • The fastest muscle

The Stone Age, by Mrs Nunwick

Date: 19th Dec 2017 @ 11:29am

Year 3 have been learning about the Stone Age in their History topic since September.

As part of our project, we made replica Stone Age houses. Luckily we didn't have to use the same materials!