Wednesday 25th March Year 4

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 8:35am

Happy Wednesday Year 4.

Start you day off by joining in with Joe Wicks at 9am (or later if you miss the start)

Across today we want you to choose 2 or 3 things from this list to do outside, the weather is looking bright and dry…fingers crossed it stays this way. Don’t forget to comment below and tell us what you managed to do.

Don’t forget to do today’s activities in the learning packs. Today we want you to play the times table game. After this we want you to complete the Jimmy and the Pharaoh Comprehension, this is Mr Tarry’s favourite activity for this week. Then finish off with your handwriting/spelling practise again in your red books.

Please keep us updated with what you have been doing, we want to hear about your day below.

Mr Tarry & Miss McEvoy