Tuesday 24th March Year 4

Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 9:23am

Morning Year 4,

We both hope you had a good day yesterday at home and managed to join in with the Joe Wicks work out. There is another one today: go on and try todays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6r99N3kXME 

Also, why not do your favourite just dance routines today, you could even teach your parents/sibling/family in your house your favourite moves. 

After a bit of exercise take a break and then it's time to look at your learning pack. Today we want you to complete pages 6, 7, 8 and 9 in your maths booklet. After this, choose on of the SPAG mats and complete that and finally, practise your handwriting and spellings by using the Year 3&4 National Curriculum spelling mat. 

If you log on to our google classroom you will see a link to the scratch website with our year 4 log in details. If you wanted to keep up with computing you could go on there and watch some of the help videos and then create your own game. Don't forget to comment and tell us if you have created something for us to go and have a look at.

Enjoy today, speak to you all tomorrow :)

Mr Tarry and Miss McEvoy