Thursday 26th March - Year 4

Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 8:49am

Good Morning Year 4, we hope your week is going well and you are all staying safe.

Join in with Joe Wicks again today, this is a fantastic way to start off your day and it will give you lots of energy.


After a break complete the learning pack activities for today.

Maths - The mystery of the missing horse challenge

English - Non- fiction revision Mat

Handwriting Practice - Year 3 & 4 National Curriculum words (1 page)


After lunch let’s all go onto Times table Rockstars and go onto studio. Then try the game on Maths frame

We want to try and get our speed as fast as we can while we are off.


Challenge for today:  find the most interesting fact you can about one of our past topics. Write it below in the comment box.


We have also posted on the classroom – please comment back with your name so we can see who is managing to sign in. It is exactly the same as your school log in, just add ‘’ at the end of your name!


We look forward to reading your ideas. Remember to write back to us on the blog! We want to hear from you all!


Mr Tarry and Miss McEvoy